When you wish to bake a fresh batch of cookies, you can find plenty of recipes on the net with different variations. But have you ever tried making cookies without baking soda? It may sound odd because every baking recipe you read or search on the net has baking soda as one of the main ingredients. You can make cookies without including baking soda, but the only difference is that you have different textures and densities. The cake making classes in Chennai consider this method as unique and it does not mean that the recipe is worse or better, but you can taste a different cookie variation. Before knowing to make cookies without baking soda, let us learn what it does to the batter.

What baking soda does to the batter?

Baking soda and powder is a leavening ingredient that creates tons of bubbles while reacting with the acidic component to make the batter rise properly. These ingredients are added to the baking because they make the baked products tender and moist. Some people try to avoid baking soda if they run out or are allergic to the product. Hence, here are some ways to substitute baking soda with other ingredients.

Potassium bicarbonate and salt:

The foremost alternative for your baking recipe is potassium bicarbonate and salt. Potassium bicarbonate is one of the dietary supplements that you can find in any health store. However, this ingredient does not contain any sodium, and hence the cookies might taste different. The cake classes in Chennai suggest along with potassium bicarbonate, you can add salt to the mixture for best results and make sure to add only 1/2 to 1/4 tablespoon to potassium carbonate.


  1. Use potassium and salt in the ratio of 1:1.
  1. If a recipe calls for two tablespoons of baking soda, use the same quantity of potassium and salt mixture.

Baker’s ammonia:

Another excellent substitute for baking soda is the baker’s ammonia. You can use this ingredient in your baking in a 1:1 ratio, and if the recipe calls for one tablespoon of baking soda, you need to add the same quantity of baker’s ammonia. However, the only concern with using this ingredient is that it has a strong odour and is ideal for thin and less dense cookies. The baker’s ammonia will not be a perfect choice for the recipes like muffins and cupcakes. After all, not all ammonia will be able to escape. The baking institute in Chennai will teach you similar tips to excel in baking.

Self-rising flour:

Thirdly, you can use self-rising flour for the baking as it already contains all-purpose flour, salt, and baking powder. As the self-rising flour includes the necessary ingredients for the recipe to rise, it is enough to make some adjustments for the desired results.

For example, if the recipe includes buttermilk for the acidic nature, you can substitute it with regular milk. The self-rising flour already has acidic ingredients, so adding more acidic components can spoil the entire recipe.

Hence, these are the suggested alternatives by the bakery classes in Chennai. So, join these classes to polish your baking skills and reach the next level.