Oil is a common ingredient in baking as it provides moisture, tenderness, and flavor to a wide range of baked goods. However, there are times when you may find yourself out of oil, looking for a healthier alternative when health becomes important or looking for a new flavor profile. Fear not! Zeroin Academy, one of the best cake baking classes in Chennai has curated this blog which explores the best oil substitutes for your baking endeavors.


Butter is a versatile substitute for oil in baking, adding richness and flavor to your recipes. It can be substituted in the same ratio as oil, but keep in mind that butter contains water, so your baked goods may have a slightly different texture and flavor. Additionally, if using salted butter, reduce the amount of salt in your recipe.


Applesauce is very popular in baking, especially for recipes that require moisture. It adds sweetness and a subtle apple flavor to your baked goods while reducing fat content. Replace oil with applesauce in equal parts for a healthier, moist result. Keep in mind that using applesauce may make your baked goods denser, so use it accordingly.

Greek Yogurt:

This household staple provides moisture and a slight tanginess to your recipes. Substitute Greek yogurt for oil at an equal ratio. Greek yogurt works particularly well in muffins, cakes, and quick breads.


Avocado is a nutritious substitute for oil in baking, adding creaminess and healthy fats to your recipes. Remember that avocado has a unique flavor, so it’s best suited for recipes whose taste complements the other ingredients.

Coconut Oil:

Coconut oil is a popular oil substitute in baking, known for its sweet flavor and high smoke point. Melted coconut oil can be used equally as an oil substitute in recipes, but be aware that it may impart a coconut flavor to your baked goods. Embrace the tropical flavor of unrefined coconut oil in desserts like coconut cake or cookies. You can double-boil coconut oil for the best results.

Nut Butter:

Almond and peanut butter can be used as oil substitutes in baking, adding nutty flavor and richness to your recipes. Nut butter can be substituted for oil at a 1:1 ratio. Nut butter works well in cookies, brownies, and energy bars.

Vegetable Puree:

Vegetable puree, such as pumpkin, squash, or sweet potato puree, can be used as an oil substitute in baking, adding moisture and natural sweetness to your recipes. Substitute vegetable puree for oil at a 1:1 ratio, but be aware that it may affect the color and flavor of your baked goods. Vegetable puree works well in cakes, muffins, and quick breads and many baking classes in Chennai tell their students to do so for health benefits.

Silken Tofu:

Silken Tofu is unique. It is different from the normal Tofu available in restaurants and generally sold separately in supermarkets. It provides moisture and protein to your recipes without adding flavor. Blend silken Tofu until it smoothes and use it as a 1:1 replacement for oil in cakes, muffins, and brownies. Keep in mind that Tofu may make your baked goods denser, so adjust accordingly.

Whether you’re looking to reduce fat, experiment with new flavors, or accommodate dietary restrictions, plenty of oil substitutes are available for baking. Each substitute brings unique flavor and texture to your baked goods, from butter and applesauce to avocado and coconut oil. Discover new recipes with our professional baking classes in Chennai and be confident in what you do. So don’t be afraid to get creative in the kitchen and try out different alternatives to oil in your favorite recipes.